
PyExifTool is a Python library to communicate with an instance of Phil Harvey’s ExifTool command-line application.

The library provides the class exiftool.ExifTool that runs the command-line tool in batch mode and features methods to send commands to that program, including methods to extract meta-information from one or more image files. Since exiftool is run in batch mode, only a single instance needs to be launched and can be reused for many queries. This is much more efficient than launching a separate process for every single query.


As noted in the introduction, PyExifTool is used to communicate with an instance of the external ExifTool process.


PyExifTool cannot do what ExifTool does not do. If you’re not yet familiar with the capabilities of PH’s ExifTool, please head over to ExifTool by Phil Harvey homepage and read up on how to use it, and what it’s capable of.

What PyExifTool Is

  • … is a wrapper for PH’s Exiftool, hence it can do everything PH’s ExifTool can do.

  • … is a library which adds some helper functionality around ExifTool to make it easier to work with in Python.

  • … is extensible and you can add functionality on top of the base class for your use case.

  • … is supported on any platform which PH’s ExifTool runs

What PyExifTool Is NOT

  • … is NOT a direct subtitute for Phil Harvey’s ExifTool. The exiftool executable must still be installed and available for PyExifTool to use.

  • … is NOT a library which does direct image manipulation (ex. Python Pillow).


PyExifTool’s namespace is exiftool. Since library name the same name of the tool it’s meant to interface with, it can cause some ambiguity when describing it in docs. Hence, here’s some common nomenclature used.

Because the term exiftool is overloaded (lowercase, CapWords case, …) and can mean several things:

  • PH’s ExifTool = Phil Harvey’s ExifTool

  • ExifTool in context usually implies exiftool.ExifTool

  • exiftool when used alone almost always refers to PH’s ExifTool’s command line executable. (While Windows is supported with exiftool.exe the Linux nomenclature is used throughout the docs)