
Getting PyExifTool


Easiest: Install a version from the official PyExifTool PyPI

python -m pip install -U pyexiftool

From Source

  1. Check out the source code from the github repository

    • git clone git://

    • Alternatively, you can download a tarball.

  2. Run to install the module from source

    • python install [--user|--prefix=<installation-prefix>]

PyExifTool Dependencies


PyExifTool runs on Python 3.6+. (If you need Python 2.6 support, please use version v0.4.x). PyExifTool has been tested on Windows and Linux, and probably also runs on other Unix-like platforms.

Phil Harvey’s exiftool

For PyExifTool to function, exiftool command-line tool must exist on the system. If exiftool is not on the PATH, you can specify the full pathname to it by using ExifTool(executable=<full path>).

PyExifTool requires a minimum version of 12.15 (which was the first production version of exiftool featuring the options to allow exit status checks used in conjuction with -echo3 and -echo4 parameters).

To check your exiftool version:

exiftool -ver


Windows/Mac users can download the latest version of exiftool:


Most current Linux distributions have a package which will install exiftool. Unfortunately, some do not have the minimum required version, in which case you will have to build from source.

  • Ubuntu

    sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl
  • CentOS/RHEL

    yum install perl-Image-ExifTool